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“Positively terrifying.”
That’s Datacom MD Alex Coates’ response to the prospect of her upcoming 45km Coastrek walk being held in Melbourne later this month (27 May).
But despite concerns over how challenging the walk will be — given it starts in Cape Schanck, ends at Point Nepean and is longer than a full-length marathon — Alex says she was inspired to take part because all the funds being raised will go to mental health and wellbeing support organisation Beyond Blue.
Beyond Blue will use the money raised to help support the three million people in Australia who struggle with anxiety and depression, as well as those affected by suicide.
“It is such as important cause. I feel incredibly passionate about women’s mental health in particular, especially after the last couple of years when women have had so much to juggle and, for many of them, that has taken a real toll on their personal wellbeing,” says Alex.
“Trying to fulfil the role of parent, partner, teacher, friend, entertainer, caregiver and dedicated employee means that no group has done it harder than working mums.”
To date Alex has already raised $1800 towards the cause and together with her team the “Pedicure Peddlers” - Sara Williams, Alina Holloway and Danielle Etzin - the total raised is more than $4000.
With just three weeks left before the event, Alex says she has some big training walks planned.
“So far the longest distance I’ve done is 20km so the idea of doing another 25km on top of that is pretty daunting. But I am keeping my goal in mind and that is to get out there and raise as much money as possible to support women’s mental health and wellbeing.”
To lend your support to mental health, you can make a donation on Alex’s Coastrek fundraising page.