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Working with families and caregivers, VOYCE (Voice of the Young and Care Experienced) believes in giving children and young people in foster care a voice.
VOYCE influences the care system to meet children's needs and makes sure that all decisions to improve the care and love children receive, are made with the children at the heart of it.
In order to provide a safe and secure digital environment, VOYCE needed collaborative platforms, information management, branch operations, and reporting and analytics.
They wanted to open at least five other branches across New Zealand, and to strengthen the digital connection between children and professionals, including Kaiwhakamana (advocacy practitioners), the Youth Council, community support, other trusted adults, and the government.
Our innovative Envision workshops helped to create a new digital strategy to give children a louder platform.
The Envision workshops help to highlight the value of digital strategy across all areas of an organisation, from its value proposition and customer journey, through to service/product innovation and internal products.
Dr Ainsleigh Cribb-Su'a, chief executive, VOYCE
By creating a long-term, scalable and practical digital footprint that could be easily replicated across all branches, VOYCE can now share their digital strategy across all their branches, including potential new ones.
By raising the profile of VOYCE and helping the organisation to connect with children and young people in care, the independent charity organisation can now help generations to come.
"We are so very grateful for the tangible and relatively simple roadmap, recommendations and solution developments that Datacom have availed for us.