Aerial view of new housing community New Zealand
Datascape product mark

Property and rating

Simplify complex processes by guiding users with a logical step-by-step workflow-driven process.

Capture, enquire and report on all information relating to land, property, rates, people and addresses in one central repository.

Provide customers with the right information relating to property and rating, help ratepayers understand their rate notices and how to pay them on time, and speed up the annual rates calculation process with Datascape's property and rating tool.

With Datacom's help you can simplify complex processes by guiding users with a logical step-by-step workflow-driven process to capture, enquire and report on all information relating to land, property, rates, people and addresses in one central interface.

Make it easier to maintain the schedule of fees and charges by year, manage direct debits, rebates, concessions and property remissions, and keep property valuation information accessible.

Datascape has a three tier property and rating structure consisting of land parcels, properties and rate accounts. This allows for simple management of all information relating to property, land, people and addresses in one location for complete integration with all Datascape’s modules.

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Datascape easy access.
Single interface
Simplify processes
GIS integration
Light Blue tick icon


Gain the flexibility to handle all aspects of rating and valuations from calculating through notice generation, to collection and receipting.

Light Blue tick icon


Gain the flexibility to handle all aspects of rating and valuations from calculating through notice generation, to collection and receipting.

Single interface

Single interface

Calculate rates, review results, correct any errors, generate invoices and manage instalment processes all within a simple, single interface.

Simplify processes

Simplify processes

Complex processes are made simple by guiding users with logical step-by-step workflow driven processes.



Fast and reliable payment processing with seamless integration between rating and receipting.

GIS integration

GIS integration

Tight integration with GIS (Geographic Information System)  for spatial analysis and enquiries.

Product features

  • Land parcel

    The parcel database provides a central repository for recording the legal description, address, and attributes of a parcel of land that falls within the jurisdiction of a council.
  • Property

    All details about a property - ownership, features, values that are important to the generation of rates are stored. The rating module helps manage complex rates accounts.
  • Rate account

    A comprehensive facility for end-to-end management of property and assessment information including minimum rates, fines, rebates, and remissions.
  • Collection and debt management

    Process payments with ease via a range of payment methods including cash receipting, direct debits, file imports, online and external payments. Use reminders and letters for debt collection.
  • Streets

    A central register of local street details that is kept up to date through the processing of new subdivisions and creation of new streets.

More product info

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Image example


Frequently asked questions

What other Datascape modules can it be bundled with?

Property and rating can be bundled with all the Datascape modules available.

These include regulatory and compliance, field work, CRM, financials, community access to facilities, build your own website, self-service portal, Antenno and community portal.

What are the benefits of this Datascape bundle?


Question 3

  • Placeholder

Question 4

  • Placeholder

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