In our latest #RightCloud Conversations event, experts from the United States Airforce, Duo, Splunk and Amazon Web Services (AWS) discussed how off-premise edge computing is expanding the threat vectors cybercriminals get excited about.
In an engaging and detailed conversation, supported by AWS and Splunk, panellists shared their industry expertise and customer knowledge about:
- The benefits of embracing a continuous security model
- The need for a robust authentication, identity, and access management solution
- How to reduce the pressure of an overwhelmed system with automation and cloud security
- Auckland Airport’s response to security.
With industry processes, systems, data, and devices not adequately stress-tested, the resulting vulnerabilities are driving most cyber criminals away from sophisticated and coordinated network breaches. Instead, cyber criminals are targetting people with highly personalised social engineering and email attacks. With that, we are seeing specific trends emerging.
Watch the #RightCloud webinar to find out more.
Your panellists
This live webinar is brought to you by Datacom in partnership with AWS and Splunk.