We are pleased to have you as one of our partners. And as an important part of our supply chain, it is vital we are both aligned on the core values set out in this Code.
We are pleased to have you as one of our partners. And as an important part of our supply chain, it is vital we are both aligned on the core values set out in this Code.
This Code and our Datacom values describe what’s important to us and guides our thinking and interactions with each other, our customers, and the community.
This Code applies to all of our partners — including you.
You have a responsibility to monitor compliance with this Code and to notify us of any breaches and take reasonable steps to address, remedy and prevent repetition of any breach of this Code or possible breaches of this Code.
We may undertake due diligence and risk assessments to verify your compliance with this Code and expect you to cooperate and provide supporting evidence as we may reasonably require to monitor and review your compliance.
We require you to uphold our values as set out above. We are committed to using only those partners whose values align with our own.
You are required to comply with all applicable laws and, in all cases, to meet the standards and principles set out in this Code across all areas of your business. Compliance with laws, standards and principles is a material consideration for us in assessing every aspect of our relationship.
You must comply with all applicable laws relating to the prevention of bribery, corruption, fraud, tax evasion or similar or related activities.
You must comply with all applicable anti-discrimination laws and actively promote diversity and inclusion within your own workplace, including recruitment, retention, and promotion practices.
You must also promote and maintain a workplace that is free from bullying and harassment.
You must comply with all applicable health and safety laws and ensure a safe working environment for your employees and anyone else impacted by your businesses.
You, whether directly or through your supply chain, must comply with all applicable human rights-related laws and must not hold another person in slavery or servitude, employ, engage, or otherwise use forced or compulsory labour, trafficked labour or child labour; nor engage in or condone the use of corporal punishments or mentally, physically or sexually abusive or inhumane treatment of workers.
You must comply with all applicable privacy and data protection laws.
Partners must adopt and maintain processes to provide reasonable protections for personal, and confidential information, including information that they access, receive or process on behalf of Datacom. Partners should recognize that unauthorized use or disclosure of such information may have personal, legal, reputational, and financial consequences for the Partner, individuals whose personal information may be implicated, and for Datacom.
You must comply with all applicable environmental laws and continually strive to improve your sustainability performance, focusing on reduction (as appropriate) of waste, carbon emissions, water and natural resources consumption.
If you have a question or concern about proper conduct or the content of this Code, you should immediately raise the issue with your usual Datacom contact or use the whistle-blowing process. For more information, read the Datacom Group Protected Disclosures (Whistleblowing) Policy.