An important concept in the Holidays Act is that leave entitlements are valued at the time the leave is taken, not at the time the leave is earned.
Datapay is capable of managing leave entitlements in units of weeks for annual leave and days for other legislative leave types in line with legislative requirements. This eliminates the need to readjust entitlement balances when working patterns change while retaining the flexibility of employees requesting leave in smaller increments.
For example, consider Bob, who is contracted to work 20 hours each week. After 12 months, Bob is entitled to four weeks of annual leave. If his leave was held in hours, then his entitlement would be 80 hours.
If in his second year of employment, Bob changes to a 40-hour week, Bob’s entitlement to annual leave is still four weeks so it is important that if his leave is held in hours, that it is converted to 160 hours to reflect his new working week. No such conversion is necessary in Datapay because the underlying balance is held in weeks.